Maybe the New Year motivation
is popular among many because
we live like children again-
anything (all of the sudden)
feels possible.
we throw all inhibitions to the wind
and allow ourselves to truly feel our way through change
instead of think it.
Maybe the New Year motivation
is popular among many because
we live like children again-
anything (all of the sudden)
feels possible.
we throw all inhibitions to the wind
and allow ourselves to truly feel our way through change
instead of think it.
Working on yourself
AKA “inner work”
is an art, and-
art is not a product,
it is a quality.
so, you are not a product-
you are a quality.
The role of the designer/creator
is one geared toward self-expression
but also (important to note) geared to the whole of the other
the needs
of the other
achieving both is a robust and
challenging intention
and doable-yes.
after all, a designer brings his/her
rawest self to the experience-
so that the other can bring his/her
entire experience and whole human form
to it, too.
If it feels weird, how do you not know that it isn’t right?
Driving in the van en route to NCAA finals at Ohio State. I mentioned I was nervous, as I was seated 1st and had some lofty expectations on my shoulders (both self-imposed and from external sources). Gemma Spofforth (British woman Olympian badass) asked me how I felt.
I said I felt heavy, tired, shitty, that “in the past” that meant I’d swim like shit.
She then said- but what if this time, this time, it means it is right?
I then broke the American Record and won NCAA’s.
Just because it has felt a certain way before doesn’t mean the outcome will be the same.
You know what, Caro?
taking responsibility and control
of your life is a gift-
and you are loved just the same,
It feels good to read that.
a pattern i’ve held onto is one of apologizing and feeling unworthy of stepping into my power in my life-
for me to stop apologizing for wanting things for my best self feels odd.
so that is my intention. I am no longer a product of my excuses,
I am the action.